There have been other steel supporting posts cut too short, a buckled window installed, slab not very level in our living area which will affect our floorboards if not fixed, upstairs waste plumbing installed incorrectly, which if left means we will have some bulkheads that were not on the plans. We are also pretty sure that a lot of dirt has gotten into our rainwater system due to poor capping of the pipes, which according to our neighbour who built with Allcastle and has the same problem, is very difficult and expensive to remove.
I still love the layout and look of the house but am very concerned at the level of care taken by the sub-contractors used by Wisdom. Our SS has 20 builds to supervise and said to my husband that he is so busy that he only spends a couple of minutes at a site to check the work has been done. He is doing his best to rectify the problems but at the same time is getting very impatient with my husband for constantly raising issues. However we will not be made to feel like a nuisance and will continue to raise issues as we find them, and if that means we have to regularly meet him on site, so be it.
I also had to chase Wisdom this week because the Demo company they used to pull down our old house, removed our electricity meter and did not return it to Ausgrid, as they were supposed to. I have over a $1000 in estimated electricity bills for a house that doesn't exist, because my Utilities company haven't received a final meter reading from Ausgrid because Ausgrid don't have the meter to read. Wisdom assured me that the meter was returned last week but I am yet to see my power bills cancelled.
Oh the dramas and incompetence. Will it ever end?
Our Pot of Gold?
Pooling on the slab 15mm at deepest point which means slab is not within tolerated levels.
Steel support post in alfresco doesn't reach the slab. A piece has been welded on to the bottom now so it meets the slab.
Framed in fridge space. This has been fixed now.